Monday, 24 January 2011

Week of Christian Unity

Was struck by a comment our visiting preacher made in his sermon yesterday regarding the idea of the Week for Christian Unity. In Welsh, the term used for the CTBI is 'Cytun' - which means 'Agree' or 'Agreeing Together' . The English version is 'Churches Together ...' . Doesn't the plural form of 'church' almost negate the concept of togetherness? Would it not be better for the umbrella organisation to be know as 'The Church Together in Britain and Ireland' or something of that ilk? After all, isn't the main idea all about the unity of Christians, rather than church institutions and 'buildings'?

Learning to be happy

This week, the BBC Breakfast TV programme is running a challenge using ideas from 'Action for Happiness'. It involves a routine of 10 minutes of 'mindfulness' meditation (whatever that might be), writing a letter of gratitude to someone, and 3 random acts of kindness - all on a daily basis. Details can be found here, or via the programme's Facebook page.

Do others have similar routines for developing happiness in their lives - or is happiness the thing that we need to be looking for anyway?